Stylish, Sustainable, and Attainable
With Phase 1 construction now complete, brand new EVE Park homes are move-in ready.
If you’re shopping for a new home, you do owe it to yourself to visit EVE Park, tour one of these homes, and see if it feels right for you.
To say these homes are sustainable, would definitely be an understatement. They are all-electric net zero homes, powered by the sun. You can live in an EVE Park home all year long without your home contributing to climate altering emissions. There’s even an EV car-share.
As for attainable — there’s good news here also. Because EVE Park is so sustainable, it is one of the very first projects in Canada to qualify for the RBC® Green Home Mortgage.
The terms of this innovative new financing solution makes an EVE Park home more attainable than an ordinary home of the same price. And right now, for a limited time only, there is also a builder’s incentive rate available to make these homes much easier to carry than you might imagine.
Ready to have a look? BOOK NOW.